Abbaye 1734

Petite Arvine Abbaye 1734

AOC Valais

18.50 CHF

A specialty typical of Valais, Petite Arvine is one of the best wines of Valais. Vinified into a dry white wine, it is lively, fruity, well-balanced and develops a multitude of flavours. A pleasure to be discovered and rediscovered!


Genuinely from Valais, Petite Arvine has an international reputation among Valais wines since 1602. Delicate, sensitive, and late-harvest, it requires the best exposure on land that is not too arid. Vinified dry, slightly soft or withered, Petite Arvine regaled hedonists in all its forms.


This wine has been traditionally vinified in our tanks, and it thus retains all of its flavour and fruity aromas.


A great appetiser wine, Petite Arvine goes well with appetisers, salads, oysters, shellfish and fish.

Weight 1.8 kg




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